Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The State of Oshkosh

Just a short post to give some a chance to give some opinions on the current events happening in Oshkosh. I know, the title is tacky but I couldn't resist.

1. Floating docks. Looks like we are getting them, like it or not. The DNR is also getting their way by making the section of the river between Main Street and the Railroad Bridge "no wake" and no anchor. Sorry boaters that wanted to anchor for Waterfest.

2. Snow removal. How are your streets? Have the plows been keeping up? I did note that after the first significant snowfall, there were a few streets that had leaves churned up by the plows. That will be a mess in the spring.

3. Convention Center. Do we really need $307k worth of sign and blinds? I don't see the reasoning behind either. The sign is something that a business would use to attract customers. A convention center is not a business. It is not a building that needs a special sign out front to attract customers.

4. Sawdust Days. Approved without a hitch. Should it have been delayed? Should the public been given the chance speak about it? Would anyone have objected? Guess we won't know this year.

5. Kudos to Akcess Group. Perhaps we will finally see some progress on that empty lot on the river. Lord knows this city needs it.

6. And of course I will throw out there an opportunity to complain or praise the School District on their progress (or lack thereof) with the "plan".

As for the Eye on Oshkosh crap... leave it alone. I don't want to discuss it and I really don't want to read anymore about it. It is over and anyone who has been paying attention for the past year knows, it is not worth rehashing. She has already accused me of libel. Too bad she can't support it and I refuse to give it to her.

One request... please use the corresponding number when you are posting. It will make things easier to read. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Hey-- one request. Can you use your moderating abilities to keep the bitching about city employees and their benefits out of it? Contracts are settled, and those that aren't are headed to aribitration and it's out of anything the city can do anyways. It has been argued back and forth so many times that your discussion will be much better if you just leave that already hashed topic out of it.

Anonymous said...

3. Convention Center. Do we really need $307k worth of sign and blinds? NO NO & NO
The councilor were "DUPED" on this twice on this.
Duped by the Oshkosh Foundation and the Convention and Visitors Bureau on the cost of the remodeling costs.
They were also duped by the convention and visitors bureau into raising the room tax 2% for create a "special fund" for 3 years.
When Councilors approved the additional 2%room tax it all should have gone to the Convention Center... 2% to cover the debt and 2% to cover the remodeling NO 2% for some one's pipe-dreams!
I agree the sign is something that a business would use to attract customers.
A convention center is not a business. It is not a building that needs a special sign out front to attract customers.

Will they add the gold plated toilets?

Anonymous said...

We need $307k worth of sign and blinds just about a bad as we needed the gold plated toilets at the Leach.
The higher-ups planning for these frills obviously never had to work or balance a budget.
This council has turned out to be a tax and spend council and they don't give a rip about the taxpayer dollars.

Anonymous said...

Sawdust Days. Approved without a hitch.
Should it have been delayed at the Parks Board meeting.
Should the public been given the chance speak about it? Yes,
the conversations and complaints started after last years event.

There was plenty of time to address the neighborhood issues.

Would anyone have objected?
The nieghbors and the general public want better security and enforcement of city laws and codes.
In general the neighbors do not object to the Saw-Dust Days events.
They do however have a right to have city councilors and city staff listen and correct the problems generated by the event.
A discussion forum could/should have been held prior to council consideration and approval.

Anonymous said...



I realize that your wife is more involved in OASD issues, but I am completely outraged by the SAGE planning team and their apparent disregard for the truth that I want to get this video out to as many as will watch and listen.

Kent Monte said...

I agree. I really don't think that SAGE will offer the "equity" that this district administration is taughting that they want.

I found tonights meeting especially troubling with the numbers that Patty Vickman reported.