Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Campaign Season Begins!

And they're off... The deadline for turning in nomination papers has come and gone. It appears that the School Board will have the majority of the attention again this year. Not much of a surprise. After all, they will be asking for somewhere between $45 and $60 million for improvements to our schools.

Not only will the OASD race have the most attention, they will have it all as far as the city goes. It seems that the Council will not have ANY challengers for the 3 incumbants. The OASD on the other hand will have 5 people running for 2 seats. That means a Primary in February. Comment removed... see updated statement below

This spring will be interesting. How will the media handle the lack of competition in the City offices? Will the ONW still want to interview the incumbants? How about WOSH? The League of Women Voters? Will the candidates even do it? I would be surprised if they do. It seems that the only time there is a big interest in running for office is if there is an empty seat. If not, nobody turns in papers. Either that or the city is happy with the current makeup of the Council. If that is the case, we shouldn't hear any bitching from the blogosphere.

Now we get to sit back and see who throws the mud first. It is inevitable. Maybe with the lack of "unmoderated" blogs this year will hold the slinging to a minimum. Maybe it is wishful thinking. I guess we get to wait and see.

Feel free to take a look at the new polls on the right. I am interested in your opinion.

UPDATE: As of the time that this was originally written, I did not know that Kevin Janke has turned in his papers to enter the race as well (thus the reason for removing the comment above regarding the primary). I knew that he was circulating. Good luck to all the candidates...


Anonymous said...

Looks like you've thrown the first mudball Kent, sniping about Mr. Daggett. Pretty bold coming from a man who himself failed to get through last year's primary.

Kent Monte said...

Yes, I was eliminated in the Primary last year. That is why I can say that. I am no better than Mr. Daggett. I just know when to say when. I also know to run for ONE office at a time.

Anonymous said...

Kent. You forgot to ask what Evil Eye on Oshkosh will do.

I don't think most of the candidates that are running will go on that pitiful show, Cheryl's burnt too many bridges. And the ones that will go on aren't worth having on. But then again, the show is rarely worth watching.

Kent Monte said...

The "show" has become irrelevant in local politics. The host(s) is/are have become much too bias to give a true picture of candidates and I think that will become more apparent as the elections progress.

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed that no one threw their hat in for the city council position, but I completely understand why. My montras would have been "Anyone but Esslinger" and "Anyone but McHugh." I know I am not the only one with this sentiment. Kent....this may have been your chance.

Anonymous said...

But Kent, Cheryl claims to be unbiased. Are you disputing that?

Surely someone can't claim that Cheryl Hentz lies in her reporting, is unbiased, can they???

Anonymous said...

Funny to read the archives in the Miles Blog. All the ranting that Esslinger would NEVER be re-elected and the rage and hate from those River Mill Elitists. Looks like they didn't have enough clout to field any kind of candidate that would pander to their ego needs!
Keep up the good work Council! Paul, Dennis, Frank, Bryan, Burk, Jess, Tony- you all are doing a wonderful job!

Anonymous said...

Kent @ 6:13am said it best!!!

The "show" has become irrelevant in local politics.

Have you noticed that no one even bothers posting anyting on her site anymore?

Cheryl Hentz is biased, Cheryl Hentz lies in her reporting, and Chery Hentz has about as many friends as Mark Harris these days.

Her last post about Esslinger took the cake. She gleefully "reported" that he (Esslinger) expressed little to no concern over the loss of $30,000 or more from PMI for their use of the Leach Amphitheater.

Hey Cheryl, had you done some analysis in your "reporting" you may have found Esslinger wanted to take the money Waterfest pays PMI (about $29,000) This coupled with renting the Leach out for weddings, anniversaries, etc. would have made MORE money than having PMI run it. In other words, THERE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN A LOSS! God Cheryl, you are a moron.

Cheryl. How does it feel to be completely out of control and in the minority? You can’t keep a friend, you live an “alternative” lifestyle, and you now agree with the Oshkosh northwestern.

Keep up the good work Cheryl, you’re now batting 0!

Kent Monte said...

Even though the above post is a bit over the top, it does address a comment made on her site and give it a new outlook. Perhaps more research would be called for.

More to follow...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Cheryl should move to River Mill and join the other self absorbed elitists who live in the wannabe gated community. Wouldn't that cause a stir! Not only would Cheryl and Miles appear on the same OCAT show, they could also open a Kool-Aid stand and peddle their witches brew to passers-by strolling around the neighborhood on the new sidewalks. YumYum.

Anonymous said...

5:46. You do as much research as Cheryl Hentz when you post.

Are you sure I'm a SIR?

Anonymous said...

Wow, the maturity level of some of these post is unbelievably low. Based on these post we are to believe that every single person living in River Mill is a "self-absorbed elitist"? Seems like a bit of a stretch and somebody is a little envious!!! I don't know Cheryl personally, but to surmise she can't keep friends and lives an alternative lifestyle is relevant how? Sounds like petty play ground bullying to me! Can't we have a civil discussion about issues without this us vs. them creeping in the conversation. C'mon Oshkosh, we are better than this!!!

Jack Straw

Anonymous said...

So Jack- Other than your little speech about what you think is or isn't proper, what did you offer for "civil discussion about issues?"

Seems you just don't care for people that have a different opinion from yours.

BTW, I thought the Kool-Aid comment has Hilarious! To whoever wrote that jem, thanks for writing that and giving me a good laugh!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack, if you don't like the movie, get up an leave.

I think the comments that you mentioned are spot on.

Anonymous said...


You don't have to post this again...but jeez, the nagativity you allowed to be posted is ugly. I thought you went to the moderating to try to eliminate some of the back stabbing and name calling, yet your letting it through. Please curtail it for us. It will make the discussions more palatable.

Anonymous said...

Kent. Keep up the good work on the site. Let people express their feelings about the liberals in our community.

Anonymous said...

Does the OADS already own land for a north-side school or would that land purchase be a part of the referedum?
At 8M per new school if we have to spend 4.6M or 60M wouldn't it be cheaper to build 5 new schools with less maintanence?

Michelle A. Monte said...

OASD does have land it owns on Ryf Rd. However, the committees and BOE have had discussions that included selling the Ryf Rd property and buying property more inside the city.

According to real estate market reports, this might not be as lucrative as OASD hopes.