Wednesday, February 13, 2008


With every plan there comes consequences. A prime example was presented to the OASD Board by Tim Hess tonight. He stated that some of his students have developed a website that you can type in your address and see how much your property value would decrease if this 10 year plan includes all of the closures and K-3 4-8 restructuring.

Feel free to visit the site and see how far your value will plummet when the plan is put in place.

He also stated and I believe that it should be highlighted, that the area west of Oakwood, north of 20th Street and south of 9th Ave. will lose approximately $7million in property value. I will repeat... $7MILLION!!!

Translated-- increased property taxes to compensate the drop in value. And as the property rebounds (which it eventually will) taxes will reach an unbelievable high.

Just food for thought. (as a side note, my property will only decrease about $1700 since only the elementary school will change.)

UPDATE: Since I have received some comments regarding "disclaimers", I will add that I didn't feel the need to put one on my site because it is plain enough on the site I linked. Next, it was said that property value is based on assessed value. Although this is true, you need to realize that part of the assessment value is derived from the market value and appraisal data. This is what is effected by the CLOSURE of schools. My value change is minimal because K-3 is moving to Oakwood from Traeger. The true value will be effected in the neighborhoods that lose schools to closure.

This is a tool to get an idea of the effects of massive changes made in a school district. Another effect on value will be the state of the economy. If you think that these changes are what is best for the district, then all of us that think the referendum is too much will be in the minority and it will pass. If not, we will have wasted a ton of time with this process without a contingency plan for nothing.

While I am at it, the site in question was developed based on a "study" of property sales and research done by students of Dr. Hess. It is amazing that a "study" is good enough to support SAGE and reconfiguration but it is not good enough for this purpose.

Your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Why didn't you say anything about the disclaimer on his paperwork that the information he was giving was not necessarily accurate and could not be used as an actual test of what a property's value would go down. That makes it a moot point and good for nothing really. Other than for you to spin it the way you want. Nice job.

Anonymous said...

The disclaimer is that the program does not guarantee what amount the property value changes. That same discaimer would be on a property assessment as, "This is no guarantee this property will sell at the assessed value." Or the disclaimer for realtors when they evaluate your house for sale that what they think your home is worth may not be what you get. In all cases, it could be higher or lower.

There are many articles online that state research shows that aproximately 10% of a home's value comes from its proximity to a school.

Your attempts to discredit are quite transparent. In a low spending district with our current economy and the problems in Madison, we cannot afford to throw away revenue. When property values drop, taxes drop. Great for taxpayers until the school district realizes their lame brained plan needs money and the BOE has to raise taxes to make up the difference.

Anonymous said...

Kent. Disregard 11:26 pm, it's just another liberal nut.

The fact is that the board majority are a bunch of liberals that can't/won't listen to the people and will eventually be booted out of office, with Mr. McDermott going first.

Good luck on the referendum board majority!

Anonymous said...

And this is based on what hard, accurate data, exactly?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:26

An alternative explanation might be that the disclaimer is merely evidence that the company that is hosting the web page has done what any professional would do, i.e. consult with an attorney who would most certainly advocate for putting on said disclaimer. In this case, however, Mr. Hess chose to be more forthcoming, rather than hiding a typical "terms of use" page on some link at the bottom of the page. For example, check out how much the attorneys for mapquest disclaim it's use here

As for this being good for nothing, I would have to guess that a professor would be quite unlikely to present information in public that was useless. I wonder if maybe Anon 11:26 holds a Ph.D. or law degree to be able to accurately ascertain the credibility of Mr. Hess's work. Otherwise, I will happily dismiss your thoughts as another conspiracy theorist in our midsts.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing one with a BA in psychology who still thinks her libral friends are right about everything.

Anonymous said...

I have a great way of saving ALOT of taxpayer money.

Everyone should write a letter, or call the Eau Claire School District and tell them what a WONDERFUL person Ron Heillmann is.

Hopefully they'll take the bait and we can get rid of this liberal, which in term will save money.

So in summary......... Get rid of a liberal, save money. Hmmm. Get rid of Heilmann, McDermott, Weinsheim, Bowen, Kavanaugh save TONS OF MONEY!

Anonymous said...

How pathetic most of the people are who post here. While you have wasted time snipping at "liberals" your darling "money changers" have done more to degrade property values than all the women gathered for Janie Fonda look alike contests since the sixties.

Prices are on the skids! Big time. Brought on by Massa George's credit card war and hotties pushing dreams of owning villas PAINLESSLY we have all the ingredients for a first-class price rout.

Sorry, kids. Liberals aren't to blame.

This school reconfigeration is small potatoes when you consider REAL home value loss. There is, though, a long history of citizens FIDGETING while various Romes burn.Somehow that always seems to make more sense than looking at the REAL causes of our pain.

Anonymous said...

I'm a democrat/liberal, but still agree with this statement-

Get rid of Heilmann, McDermott, Weinsheim, Bowen, Kavanaugh save TONS OF MONEY!

I have no respect for any of those listed in this crew.

Anonymous said...

8:19 pm. Wow man, that was deep!