Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Summer Hiatus

Hello all,

Due to my extremely busy schedule and the beautiful weather, I have decided to take a break from the blogosphere for a while. Judging from my site counter and the lack of comments in moderation, I feel that I will not be missed. I really don't think that the city will stop functioning if I take a break and it gives people a chance to use another site to throw mud at each other.

Michelle is still pretty active with School issues and will continue to operate her blog but I simply don't want to miss this nice weather sitting behind a keyboard typing when nobody cares to read it. Seems like such a waste.

I will still be watching and if there is an issue that I should write about (no sidewalks here, sorry) I will sit and type.

In the meantime, a short hiatus is long overdue and I hope that everyone will watch the commons for new posts upon my return.

Thank you for your patronage and have a wonderful summer!!


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