Thursday, March 1, 2007

Downtown- "Call for Action"

Yesterday I read an article on Oshkosh News about the Downtown that caught my attention. In this article, there were a couple of business owners that are wanting the city to "take action" on a plan to improve the downtown. I was shocked at what they are saying. Don't they realize the millions of dollars that have already been invested on what they are calling "piddly things"? I guess it goes to show that no matter what has or will be done, it will not be good enough to satisfy them. Here is a news flash for those who haven't realized it yet... Downtowns are dead or dying all over the country. The "urban sprawl" has taken over America and the development has moved to the outskirts of cities. Not wanting to single any business out, I need to point out that WalMart focuses on highway developments. They want high volume of traffic and now that most larger cities have "bypasses" that will go around the city to increase safety and decrease travel times, the downtowns will suffer. The two business owners in this article are wanting the council to make downtown Oshkosh a tourist destination. My question is, why is it the councils responsibility to ensure their success? Each business needs to do their own advertising and not rely on the city to boost business. There have been significant measures taken in the past few years to improve the downtown (Leach, Grand, Oprah House Square, 100 block, etc). When will it be enough? Just how much should the taxpayers have to pay to ensure that downtown businesses are successful and not expect them to contribute? Yes, the city should improve the city owned property but the individual businesses should be responsible to improve their own areas and advertising.

The candidates are doing a good job responding to this challenge. They are saying what they think will get them elected. It doesn't matter in the long run though. They can only do what the budget will allow them to do and the money just isn't there. Has anyone been to downtown Appleton lately? There are several empty store fronts again now that the smoking ban has started to put bars out of business. Be careful what you wish for, you may get it. All those comparisons stopped when Appleton started to struggle and now we have switched to Princeton. It is apples and oranges, we need to focus on what WILL work for Oshkosh. What that may be is anyones guess.

Any solutions? Remember, money is limited.


Ron said...

If the City shouldn't help support Downtown Development, as you suggest, shouldn't the City stop bending over backwards for big box retailers on 41 that just turn around and abandon their used dwellings like discarded cigarette butts on the Oshkosh landscape?

Big Box Retail and strip malls are unsustainable and will hurt the city in the long run. They care nothing for the community, only for the communities money. Good, well planned downtown investment has done wonders for cities suffering from post-manufacturing livelihoods. The small businesses downtown care about the community, they care about their customers, and they care about Main Street.

We should do more to support small locally owned businesses in Oshkosh.

Anonymous said...

I do not have a problem paying money for REAL downtown re-development, but I want to see positive results. To date I have not seen many results. There needs to be a clear long term plan for the downtown, not piecemeal activities (like that awful sundial. Who the heck thought a sundial was a good idea in cloudy Wisconsin. That is not a visitor draw and truly a waste of money. It was actually better when the kids put laundry detergent in it!!!).

Let's not throw good money away doing the same old thing that has not resulted in a strong downtown. Let's look at what other cities around the country do to rebuild their downtowns (especially those that have rivers running through them) and determine if we can be successful with those activities here.

Anonymous said...

I am for the downtown redevelopment. we tout ourselves as Oshkosh on the Water. What better a place to try to draw people to our city than in the downtown area, where the new boat docks will help draw people.

People in the boating community have long lamented the fact that Oshkosh never had any place to tie up. They are interested in spending their money in our city, but they have to be able to get into it from their boats! Places like Cranky Pats, Brooklyn, and even the Roxy will do better now that the boat docks will be there. The Leach and other downtown revitalizations will continue to draw people here.

Remember, this is a long, drawn out process that will take years to complete. But I, for one, and happy with the direction the downtown has taken. And the city has had the forethought and fortitude to get the ball rolling.

Anonymous said...

6:36 said..."like that awful sundial. Who the heck thought a sundial was a good idea in cloudy Wisconsin. That is not a visitor draw and truly a waste of money."


Of all things. In Oshkosh. Rather than a nicely designed fountain or something else more appropriate to a city on the water, noted for avation and trucks...we have a goofy sundial.

And to make matters worse, did you ever notice that piddly stream of water that drizzles out of the 5 tiny nozzles? What an absolute design screw-up that was!!

Anonymous said...

For the last time, the sundial/park is a gathering place. The sundial itself was not purchased with city dollars.

Anonymous said...

Who the heck cares how you justify a bad plan.

The bottom line is that "IT" is a very visable representation of our city, and it certainly tells a tacky little second class tale in my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. I don't find anything tacky about the sun dial or the park on Main St. It's a nice green space with areas to sit and enjoy nice weather. It will be a focal point of the downtown when the current revitalization plan blossoms further.

How nice of you to be critical of a gift to the city. You can grumble about taxes and the budget and city employees and the city manager, but when someone gifts something to the city, let me offer you some advice: If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Nielsen's response about the potential for endorsements by various city unions is worth your consideration. His answer, in my opinion, is totally spot on. I plan to listen to more of what Mr. Nielsen has to say.

"No, I do not have endorsements at this time and I did not send back the questionnaire for the city employee’s union representation. My personnel belief is that an elected official is hired by the voters and works for the voters of the municipality that he or she is elected to. The endorsement of the city employees union gives the impression that one may put them in front of the tax payers when it comes to contract issues. Thank you for your interest and question."

Anonymous said...

8:50 Apparently you believe anything that is gifted to the city should not be criticized. What if someone gifted a 50 foot hand with the middle finger extended? Afterall, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."

I reserve my right to free speech.

Anonymous said...

I'll give you that, 6:18...freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of stupidity. You're a shining example of that.

Kent Monte said...

Allow me to interject... Whether or not the sundial was a donation is not the issue. I don't remember who or what paid for it. My point is that even donations need to be maintained and that sundial hasn't been without problems. How much has it cost the operating budget to maintain that fixture in the park?

How much has the Leach costed? How much will the Millers Bay fishing pier cost?

Even gifts come with a price tag. Unless the city plans to just let every donation rot, we need to look long term at the "donations" that we accept.

Anonymous said...


I disagree with your tone. You come across as saying that you're not in favor of the city accepting gifts because the upkeep, on the city's part, is too great. You come across as being so reluctant to spend any tax dollars on anything. I think that's what cost you in your bid for city council.

The idea of 'core services only' doesn't cut it anymore. We need to do more than that. We need to invest in our city, not simply maintain what we have. Gifts given to the city, whether they be in the form of a sundial, or an amphitheater, or a water park, are beneficial. They improve the status of our city, making it more appealing to people who visit, and also for those of us that live here. Yes, there are costs associated with the upkeep of these, but the dollars spent are miniscule when compared to the benefit the city reaps thanks to the generosity of those who give.

Anonymous said...

Monte isn't against all gifts to the city - Christmas Box Angel for example.

Anonymous said...

The sundial is a cheap and inappropriate "community square" project in my feeling. A nice well designed WATER fountain would have been alot nicer. I agree that the cheap nozzles on that sundial thing dribble water and its just a joke. The whole design just doenst fit this matter if it was free or not. Just because somethings "free" doesn't mean its good.

Anonymous said...

I find it disappointing that the Leach is getting a repuation for
fostering druck and disorderly conduct. Getting people to downtown Oshkosh has been the goal. So far these activities are fostering to many problems and added expenses for police overtime.
Is this what the Leach family intended?
A venue where our own Chamber is allowed to violate city ordinances, the park closing time and the noise ordinance.
Is this why we are developing our downtown?