Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tis' the Season

Election season that is. Now that winter is here, the partisan election has passed and now it is time to gear up for the local non-partisan election season.

We will see many of the usual faces running for office this year. King and Palmeri have decided to run for re-election, Esslinger will challenge F. Tower for mayor, and Bryan Bain has declined to run citing personal reasons.

For the OASD we will see Traska and Kavanaugh run for re-election while Weinsheim is still a mystery (although everything I have heard to this point is that she will not run again). I have also heard that Pat K. (I won't even try to spell it) will not challenge but Schneider will. I will not speak to Michelle's intentions as it is up to her to tell, not me. I have also heard of another Town of Algoma resident that is circulating but that is not confirmed so I don't want to give a name.

As usual, I don't really want to get involved with OASD issues but it may become inevitable as the referendum will take over the ballot and swallow all of the issues. The referendum will be all that is talked about whether you are running for BOE or City Council. I plan to avoid it as long as possible.

Looking at some of the City issues that I don't really agree with and we find the recycle bins, bridge lighting, and roundabouts. Starting with the recycle bins; why should taxpayers that were eliminated from city collection a few years ago under the condo agreement pay for bins that they will NEVER receive or use? My answer is that they shouldn't. The cost of the bins should go to those that actually will use them. Now, I am not really in favor of going to City Hall and paying between $50-$100 for a bin that will not fit in my garage. Now if single stream recycling is everything that they say it is, there may be an advantage to this move. I am not convinced.

Bridge lighting... do I really need to say more? This resolution was ridiculous right from the start. I cannot believe that the council approved it. Why on earth do we NEED lighting on the bridges? Budgets are tight, the economy is not stable, our taxes should NOT be spent on aesthetic lighting on our bridges. That is not the type of "public/private partnership" that this community needs right now. How about the type of partnership where the private half contributes to something that the city currently has to pick up the tab. For example, a local business can "adopt a park" and sponsor the upkeep of that park for one or more years. That is a partnership that we need. Not the city spending money on a feel good project that Progress Oshkosh couldn't fund themselves. For those who disagree, please feel free to tell any one of the folks living near a streetlight that has been extinguished because we cannot afford to keep it lit why you favor this project.

I have never been a fan of roundabouts. My opinion has not changed since I was exposed to a few that have popped up in neighboring communities like Neenah, Darboy, and a little farther away in Sheboygan. I don't believe that the statistic of accident reduction is accurate as I believe that the traffic through such a nuisance is reduced drastically. Less cars = Less accidents. Pretty simple. Right now we are looking at one at Jackson and Murdock. Not far down the road we will see TEN more between 9th Ave, Witzel, and Hwy 21. I think 20th St. will get a traffic boost as people will start avoiding the other 3 intersections. Just a thought.

I know I have neglected this for awhile. My job and school work (I am attending UWO) have kept me pretty busy. I will try to keep up now that I get a break from school for a few weeks.

Thanks to all for sticking around!


Anonymous said...

Please encourage Michelle to run. We DESPERATELY need conservatives on the b.o.e.

CJ said...

"...why should taxpayers that were eliminated from city collection a few years ago under the condo agreement pay for bins that they will NEVER receive or use? My answer is that they shouldn't."

I understand the sentiment. No one wants to pay ore taxes for something they don't use. So I must ask- Would you support my not paying the portion of taxes that goes to the school district because because we have no children in it?

It's just a rhetorical question, but can you understand my point?

p.s. Happy Holidays. :o)

Kent Monte said...

You are right... to a point. Although you don't have children that are school age but continue to support the district, you still have the option of enrolling kids if your status changes. These businesses and condo associations had garbage collection taken away from them without the "option" to return. They cannot buy into collection and will never have city collection again. But they are still paying for us to have it while paying to have their own collected by another company.

Now some may argue about the public vs. private schools and that the families with kids enrolled in private still pay for public... that is different too. It is a choice. Those families at any time can choose to enroll in public schools.

Now I do understand your point but I think a cost such as this should be shouldered only by the user.

Thanks for your opinion and Happy Holidays to you too.