Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Welcome Back to the Sundial

I found out this evening that our Acting City Manager will have the sundial replaced in Oprah House Square tomorrow (6/5). Just one week after we heard him at the Council meeting telling Council Members not to worry. That it wouldn't be put back until a decision can be made to an alternate location.

I guess the "powers that be" in the community have spoken and convinced the City Manager to put it back. What does that say about the leaders of our city? Even the Council can't prevent an eyesore from being the center piece of our downtown.

And for those that think that I am being too critical about this fountain, keep in mind that this fountain has not been maintained in quite some time. Half of the nozzles were not working and it does not fit in with the architecture of its surroundings.

So, I would hope that the "welcome back" is short lived...


CJ said...

I suspect it has something to do with the $5000
CD Smith contract to remove and replace the gnome.

It's easier to replace it than to fiddle with billing and contractual issues.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the pressure from the people who paid for it was too much for Fitzpatrick.. I'm glad the council dismissed his application for city manager!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if there was any caving to "pressure from the people who paid for it" but the influence of people who donate gifts to the city needs to be controlled. Now someone else wants to pay for a new sculpture and also pay to have the old one moved. Who's in charge here? Can anyone put anything they want anywhere they want in Oshkosh as long as they just pay for it? Many cities have a gift acceptance policy with clear rules on what and how gifts of any kind will be accepted - or not. A policy like this would have prevented the year long fiasco following the donation of the fishing pier by the Otter St. Fishing Club. I'd like to see a gift acceptance policy in place before any more gifts are accepted by the city.

Anonymous said...

Jun 5, 2008 8:34:00 PM said:
"Maybe the pressure from the people who paid for it was too much for Fitzpatrick.. I'm glad the council dismissed his application for city manager!"

I couldn't agree more. John did an "OK" job keeping the wheels on the wagon at 216 Church Ave, but I clearly do not believe he has the attributes to be our next city "Leader".

Truth is, I hope the new Manager selectively boots out some of the deadwood and Old School career riffraff at city hall and throughout other city departments.

From what I read in the Northwestern, the production company hired CR Meyer to remove and reinstall the Gnomen. Total for the project was $5,000.00

It would have been nice to keep it down and have the $2,500.00 to re-install it donated to the revised plan (new fountain?)

Fitzpatrick caved under pressure from the "Good old Boys" crew.

Anonymous said...

"it wouldn't be put back until a decision can be made to an alternate location"....

Its obvious the "shadow" government rules.
I find this move simply that the "good ole boys" making a decision regardless of public opinion.
City staff knows councilors are busy today with interviews.
It will be Monday before they some down to earth.
By Monday we will all be talking about the decision/s made this weekend.
Too busy to notice what was done on Friday.

As for the 'new' Manager selectively booting out the deadwood and career riffraff, it will take him at least 6 months to a year to figure out how to spoon feed this council.
Don't count on to many changes
state laws protect their employment. Termination without just cause would be very difficult.
There is already talk from Councilor King to look at the organizational chart to make room for Fritpatrick, possibly as an assistant manager.

Anonymous said...

My guess would be it was put back as a "show piece" for the city manager candidates Tour of the City.
Putting it back would illustrate another public/private partnership.

A politcial move to impress.

Anonymous said...

keep in mind that this fountain has NOT been maintained in quite some time. Half of the nozzles were not working..
Tell me anything the city takes care of?
They want this new and thatnew and they fail miserably in the
maintainence department.
Remember a downtown parking ramp torn down after years of neglect.
Look at the money taxpayers will now sink into a convention center
that was not properly taken care of.
I can't help but think the city lacks direction from the departments heads in charge of maintenance issues.